Our Member

SCOPE CIMSA UNSYIAH has lot of member. and we're just have new "stewardship members" !! *plok plok*
Unlike other SCO, we have 2 coolest LO ever ! they are LEO for Incoming and LEO for Outgoing!

1) LEO for Incoming : Pebri ansyah

2) LEO for Outgoing : Farhan Mar'i i

3) Vice LEO : Sharah Balqia

4) Secretary General : Multazam

5) Treasurer : Monisa Hira

6) Media Director : Ullyaty Rachmah

7) Fundraising : Ade silvana danial

8) Periscope D : Anastasya Muntasir

9) PC : Zahratul Haya

Beside our awesome "stewardship members" we also have Official members :

Arinda Calvine Santoso ( VLI of CIMSA Unsyiah)

Visa Yunanda ( Secretary General of CIMSA Unsyiah)

Ulfah lili Andriyani (Treasurer of CIMSA Unsyiah)

Aulia Rizky (SC of CIMSA Unsyiah)

Neysha Azalia E ( Alumni Director of CIMSA Unsyiah)

Maulidita Rizki P (Web Media director of CIMSA Unsyiah)